Roadmap to Housing Justice

Cover image of the Roadmap to Housing Justice

Today, because of unfair rules and laws, too many Washingtonians are left merely surviving. Too many in our communities are living in unhealthy housing that makes us sick. Too many of us live constantly under threat that one unforeseen problem will have us out on the street. Corporate property developers who put money for investors over communities’ needs, real estate industry lobbyists, and the lawmakers who side with them are rigging the rules to make it harder for people to find and keep a home.

The Roadmap to Housing Justice, and the just future it imagines, is an invitation to everyone who cares about our communities. Together, we can ensure housing is within reach for everyone in Washington State. That means dreaming big and winning bold victories. More than three-quarters of Washingtonians believe it costs too much to rent or buy a home. More than two-thirds of us agree that the government has a role to play to create housing for people who can’t afford market rent. We are ready for change. With you we can make it happen.  

The Washington Low Income Housing Alliance has over three decades of experience advocating for affordable housing. Over the years, the people and organizations who make up the Alliance have won campaigns that no one thought possible. We won Just Cause Eviction, tenants’ right to counsel, and historic investments in affordable housing. But despite those wins, housing is still a crisis. It’s time to dream bigger and win bigger.  

Read the full Roadmap (PDF)