Brianna Thomas, Field Director
Now that the 2014 legislative session is over, campaign season is here, and this is our year to really step up and get involved.
The Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund is thrilled to announce our new Field Director Brianna Thomas. Brianna came on board at the beginning of April and will be running our field campaign to support candidates who will support our issues. She comes with a wealth of campaign experience, most recently as the Field Director for the successful YES! For SeaTac campaign to raise the minimum wage in SeaTac. Here is Brianna introducing herself in her own words:
Hello! I am happy to be the newest member of the Action Fund team. I look forward to working with our members, allies, and supporters across the state to develop and support candidates working to bring issues of housing and homelessness to the forefront of this campaign season. There is much work to be done, and I look forward to diving in with you. I have joined the team because I believe in our shared mission, ensuring that Washington residents have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy, affordable homes. And I’m thrilled to be using advocacy, education, and organizing (especially the organizing) to achieve that mission. I come from a varied campaign background working on issue and candidate races throughout the state. And I love politics. I love voter engagement, am a civic education nerd, and believe in the power of people working together.
In case you haven’t figured it out, I LOVE field work. A Saturday morning spent knocking on doors, meeting people where they live, and engaging them in their communities through the ballot is not just a function of a solid campaign, it’s a passion. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work on developing and implementing our very first Electoral Field Campaign. While we have supported housing champions on the campaign trail before, this year we will be more organized, more engaged, and more influential in ensuring the candidates who share our values make it into the legislature. This campaign season, I will also be working to learn about the work of our members across the state. From direct service providers, to policy analysts, to developers, we are all members of the Housing Alliance and the Action Fund because we share a vision of a Washington State that has made childhood homelessness a thing of the past. I look forward in working with you to make this a reality.
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