Our Endorsed Candidate Results!

Representative Image: 

This is only the beginning...

Whether you supported the Housing Action Fund with a contribution, or knocked on doors in Pierce and Snohomish Counties, whether you called undecided voters or registered housing stakeholders to vote – you played a significant role. In addition to securing the seats of two champions, we’ve also sent a strong message to Olympia that we can be counted on to stand up to support our friends. All together we raised more than $15,000 for our endorsed candidates, mobilized 48 volunteers, phoned 1,750 voters, and reached 650 voters at their doorsteps. Also, 20 of our 26 endorsed candidates won, a rather amazing first election season for the Housing Action Fund! Stay tuned for more affordable housing and homelessness advocacy and mobilizing information, as we gear up for the 2013 legislative session.




Election Outcome

Rosemary McAuliffe1SenateWon
Marcus Riccelli3House 1Won
Timm Ormsby3House 2Won
Andy Billig3SenateWon
Dennis Dellwo6House 2Lost
Bob Hasegawa11SenateWon
Laurie Jinkins27House 1Won
Lauren Walker27House 2Lost
Jeannie Darneille27SenateWon
Ruth Kagi32House 2Won
Tina Orwall33House 1Won
Joe Fitzgibbon34House 2Won
Gael Tarleton (dual)*36House 2Won
Noel Frame (dual)36House 2Lost
John McCoy38House 1Won
Marcie Maxwell41House 1Won
Frank Chopp43House 2Won
Hans Dunshee44House 1Won
Larry Springer45House 2Won
Gerry Pollet (dual)46House 1Won
Sylvester Cann (dual)46House 1Lost
Sara Jane Siegfredt46House 2Lost
Bud Sizemore47House 1Too close to call for now.
Pat Sullivan47House 2Won
Ross Hunter48House 1Won
Cyrus Habib48House 2Won

*In a small number of cases, we endorsed both candidates because we believe each would be a strong advocate for affordable housing and ending homelessness.